the homemaking binder : printables

I’m currently on a mission to cultivate my inner anal-housewife, and creating a homemaking binder has been a step in the right direction. Also, I think better when I have mindless tasks to do, so designing some pretty printables doesn’t seem like a complete waste of time.

I did a lot of poking around on other housewife-y blogs to learn about this magical and mysterious homekeeping / homemaking / family / mum binder.

I must say, I was completely unaware such things existed. Now that I am in charge of a home and family full time, I can see why.

The homemaking binder is basically Command Central for busy homemakers. (And a good way to get all of the crap that floats around on your mental to do lists down on paper.) I saw lots of examples online ranging from downright beautiful to simple workhorses.

I bought a cheapie three ring binder, covered it in some cutie-patutie grey gingham fabric and made myself some dividers from spare files I had laying around. Your homemaking binder doesn’t have to be fancy. I’m a visual person and am motivated by shiny things, so I took some time to make it look pretty.

A spoonful of sugar, right?

For most of these, you don’t need to print new ones out every single week. Just get some clear plastic page protectors and some dry erase markers. Check off your weekly chores, then on Sunday wipe it clean and start fresh.

Free Homemaking Binder Printables

Free Homemaking Binder Printable Daily Schedule

Free Homemaking Binder Printable Weekly Planner

Free Homemaking Binder Printable Chore & Cleaning Schedule

Free Homemaking Binder Printable Family Budget Sheet

Free Homemaking Binder Printable Weekly Budget Sheet

Free Homemaking Binder Printable Bill Payment Checklist

Free Homemaking Binder Printable Weekly Meal Plan

Free Homemaking Binder Printable Freezer Inventory

Free Homemaking Binder Printable Pantry Inventory

5 thoughts on “the homemaking binder : printables

  1. patsquared2

    What a nice idea! I’ve been at this so long, I tend to use Outlook to help me along with reminders but it would have been nice to have a binder. Keep one for my garden, though. Another nice share Stacey. Thanks!

    1. The Slow Foods Mama Post author

      I wish I was organized enough to rely on my computer. I tried to use my smart phone / gmail calendar and to do lists, but I’m way too visual. If its not in front of my face, I’ll completely forget about it!


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